You will start your last full day of your Grand Morocco Tour after breakfast.  You will bid farewell to Fes and make your
way to the Roman ruins of Volubilis.  Before the Romans came, Volubilis was an Amazigh city known as Oulili
(pronounced wa-lee-lee) which dates back to the 3rd century B.C.  Although severely damaged by an earthquake in
the 18th century and subsequently further damaged by Moulay Ismail’s architects, it is still “an exceptionally well
preserved example of a large Roman colonial town on the fringes of the Empire”, according to the UNESCO World
Heritage listing.  After exploring the ruins, you will continue on to another imperial city: Meknes.  Your visit will begin
by entering the old medina through the beautiful gate of Bab Mansour, which incorporates marble pillars that were
moved from the Roman ruins of  Volubilis.  Once inside the medina, you will visit the tomb of  Sultan Moulay Ismail.
It was under his ruler’s reign from 1672 to 1727 that Meknes served its time as the capital of Morocco.  Next you will
visit the impressive Agdal reservoir (built under the reign of Moulay Ismail) and Heri es-Souani, a former granary
and stable that lay alongside the reservoir.  After exploring these sites, you will have a little free time in El-Hadim
Square before continuing the rest of the way to Casablanca where you will stop for the night.

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