


Hourse riding + Walk Tour

  • Book a tour to the meost bautiful spots in the Old madina of Marrakech with professional guide .
  • Get a tour with hourse through palm trees of Marrakech .
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  • Try one of the most recommended and exciting experience in Marrakech
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Cooking Class

  • learn Moroccan way to cook delicious Tagines and bread.
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Volunteering with us:

If you are into Volunttering, we would like to help you get a chance to volunteer in an organic garden in the desert of Zagora. The Zaid Garden is a beautiful garden run by Khalid and his wife. It has different plants and trees.  Khalid and his small family live by what they plant in their garden and what they make home. Khalid always feels  so happy to host his visitors and get to teach them how to live depending on the garden praises. Khalid will get to show you his home and make it yours;  teach you how to plant trees. He can also teach you how to cook traditional Moroccan food and how to bake bread in the desert with very unique ways that probably you will see for the first time ever. Visitors get chance to feed animals, plant, water trees, cleaning… for a clean garden for everyone.

Visit Nomads for aid:

Because we use the desert and we cross its roads everyday and then while do nomads live in there, sometimes theyd ont feel comfortable with cars passing by their peaceful tents in the middle on the desert and other times there camels and animals get frustrated, thus; it would be such great idea to help you reach out those people and help them by your donation or by your personal visit.

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